Family Therapy
Gain a better appreciation for your family members.
Family Therapy
We know mental health can impact the entire family and those dynamics are ever-changing and oftentimes tumultuous. It can be tricky navigating rough family dynamics, but necessary when experiencing life transitions, mental health issues, substance use, and relationship or parenting stressors.
Family therapy can benefit all involved. You can increase emotional awareness regarding the struggles of others in the family. You can gain basic skills of healthy family communication and interactions to reduce the unhealthy patterns developed in the past. You can find your way back to connecting again and resolving issues that interrupt the harmony in your household.
Why is family therapy important?
Everyone has a family. Whether it is the family you came from or the family you have created, it is important to understand that dynamics that lead to unhealthy thoughts, patterns, and interactions. Even more important than understanding the family-related issues is developing the skills to avoid repeating the same family mistakes from generation to generation.
Family Therapy Topics
Divorce and relationship transitions, adjustment to changes, substance use in adolescents or parents, conflict resolution skills, communication skill development, parent-child attachment issues, infant loss/miscarriage/infertility struggles, parenting stressors, skill development and more.
We can help.
We’re here to answer any questions you have. Contact us today and we can talk through an individualized plan made specifically for you and your family.