Healthy Self Omaha

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Most of you know my little family is moving to another house soon. Trust me, I know how many cool things lie ahead after we move but it is so overwhelming to leave the home I brought my kids to from the hospital. It is also overwhelming to think about the great friendships I will be moving away from. The people who seem like my second family on the cul-de-sac.

​I know the relationships will still be there at the end of the day, but it is sad to leave the community that has been built in that circle. A feeling of protection because we all have each other’s back—whether it is borrowing that giant ladder to change the batteries on our beeping fire alarm, or getting that late night text that we left our garage door open for the 800th time, or the kids, young and old, playing with one another daily, or the thoughtful meals and gifts sent our way after our kids were born, or the late nights in the driveway— those are the memories I will miss.

It is always scary to move to a new place because, as they say, "you can't pick your neighbors." Moving is like playing Russian roulette: you could be safe or, well, you get where I'm going. If I was given a chance, I would pick my neighbors all over again in a heartbeat.

​I will never forget waking up the morning after the 2016 presidential election to the reminder written in chalk in the middle of our circle: “Things stronger than hate: Unity. Acceptance. Neighbors. Friends.” A reminder to each of us that no matter what the circumstances, our relationships with one another are more important.


Cheers to

The years you’ve embraced my family,
The beers we’ve drank in front driveways,
The tears you’ve understood through parenthood,
The ears you’ve lent when I need to let it out,
The fears about change you’ve encouraged us to pursue.

Change is hard. I work daily with people who are pursuing change. Now it is my turn and it is much harder than I expected, with each curtain and kitchen item I pack into a box. I know we’ll be keeping in touch, but this is my written thank you to each and every one of you. I appreciate the feeling of family you helped me feel in our first home.

​Cheers to you! I'll miss seeing your faces every day, even though I know you probably peep in my windows when our blinds are left open! :P